Thursday, January 2, 2014


Yep, I am really good at wasting it. I don’t mean going to the movies, goofing around with friends. That is spending time. Those are choices I make to enjoy my time.
Even playing some games on Facebook are how I spend my time. They let me clear my head.
Lazy Saturday mornings in bed are spending time working on the relationship with my husband and enjoying time with our pets.
But, I waste a lot of time by sitting down thinking of the things I want to or should be doing instead of just getting up and doing them. I have many regrets based on what I could have done with all of that wasted time. This year, my goal, not my resolution. Is to spend my time wisely. To cherish it. To make a difference in the world around me. And, to enjoy life. I want to make steps forward in making my small business big enough that I do not have to have a job outside of the home.
I want to actually finish the projects I have started and planned. I want to work out on branching out and REALLY sharing the things I do know with the rest of the world. I want My husband and I to do podcasts with our friends about the geeky things that make us happy.

I want to move so that we have a home where we can have room for people to come over and treasure the time with them.
I will make more of an effort to take advantage of every moment with my son. Even if he is out on a field or the court, it still feels like time together!

But, most the key thing is not to WASTE time. My time is mine and I will decide how to spend it. And, spend it I will.

Now, I am not calling this a resolution. A resolution is saying, "I WILL do this!" It is a do it or give up situation. I am setting goals. There are projects in particular that I want to finish. There are things I want to accomplish. I will post about those later this month. But, today, I am simply declaring my word is TIME.

(I would have written this yesterday, but I was spending my time bonding with my family.)

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